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Please click on the circles below to see training material, training sessions and job vacancies relevant to each position.

Support Staff

There are many types of support staff within a school: teaching and classroom assistants; learning support assistants; librarians; science technicians; ICT technicians; food technicians; design and technology technicians; and administrators.

Further information can be found on our interactive map for non-teaching staff

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High Level Teaching Assistant

Higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs) do all the things that regular teaching assistants do but they have an increased level of responsibility. For example HLTAs teach classes on their own, cover planned absences and allow teachers time to plan and mark.

Under the direction of a teacher, HLTAs often plan, prepare and deliver learning activities with individual pupils, groups and (in the short term) whole classes, and also assess, record and report on pupils' progress.

Many HLTAs have a role to play outside the classroom, as well: they may manage other classroom-based staff, develop a specialist curriculum area within the school and often liaise with parents and carers on sensitive issues for particular pupils.

More information about the skills and experience you’ll need for the role:

Professional standards for HLTAs:

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The headteacher will:

  • Establish and sustain the school’s ethos and strategic direction together with the governing board and through consultation with the school community
  • Establish and oversee systems, processes and policies so the school can operate effectively
  • Identify problems and barriers to school effectiveness, and develop strategies for school improvement that are realistic, timely and suited to the school’s context
  • Make sure these school improvement strategies are effectively implemented
  • Monitor progress towards achieving the school’s aims and objectives
  • Allocate financial resources appropriately, efficiently and effectively


The headteacher will:

  • Uphold public trust in school leadership and maintain high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct
  • Build positive and respectful relationships across the school community
  • Serve in the best interests of the school’s pupils

Teachers’ standards:    

Headteachers’ standards:

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Early Career Teacher

Following Initial Teacher Training, Early Career Teachers are entitled to a structured 2-year package of high-quality professional development. The early career framework is the evidence base which underpins this new entitlement for early career teachers’ professional development. It sets out what all early career teachers should learn about, and learn how to do, during the first 2 years of their careers. HISP Teaching School Hub is a delivery partner for the Education Development Trust.

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SCITT / ITT Trainee

Train with Us - Hampshire SCITT Partnership


You need to get ‘qualified teacher status’ (QTS) to teach in the majority of schools in England. This includes primary, secondary and special ‘maintained schools’ - part of the state funded schools system.

Train to teach in Hampshire with Hampshire SCITT Partnership. Across our partnership, we work with some of the best secondary schools in Hampshire. You will be training with knowledgeable and enthusiastic teachers who are committed to education and leaders in their own fields. If you complete the course successfully, you will be awarded QTS and a PGCE.

Click here for a list of useful resources specific to this role

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PPA Cover Teacher

PPA time stands for 'planning, preparation and assessment' time. It is time allocated for a teacher to complete their duties away from the children in their care. This includes teachers, headteachers, deputy heads and those with other responsibilities like SENCOs.

PPA Cover teachers / supervisors are suitably-trained school staff who supervise pupils carrying out pre-prepared exercises when teaching staff are carrying out PPA duties. The PPA Cover teacher’s main job is to manage a classroom, ensuring that students remain on task with the work they have been set.


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Cover Teacher

Cover teachers / supervisors are suitably-trained school staff who supervise pupils carrying out pre-prepared exercises when teaching staff are on short-term absence. The cover supervisor’s main job is to manage a classroom, ensuring that students remain on task with the work they have been set.

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Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistants support teachers and help children with their educational and social development, both in and out of the classroom. The roles and responsibilities of teaching assistants are varied and differ between schools. Your job can include:

  • getting the classroom ready for lessons
  • listening to children read, reading to them or telling them stories
  • helping children who need extra support to complete tasks
  • helping teachers to plan learning activities and complete records
  • supporting teachers in managing class behaviour
  • supervising group activities
  • looking after children who are upset or have had accidents
  • clearing away materials and equipment after lessons
  • helping with outings and sports events
  • taking part in training
  • carrying out administrative tasks

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Main Scale Teacher

In years 3 to 6, teachers practice and apply the knowledge and effective behaviours developed in years 1+2 through the ECT support programme.    

Teachers’ standards:

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Upper Pay Scale Teacher

The Upper Pay Range is a pay range offering significantly higher pay than the main pay range.  Accessing the UPR is often referred to as ‘crossing the threshold’.  

The criteria you must meet before moving onto the UPR are:  

  • that you are highly competent in all elements of the relevant standards (Teachers’ standards); and 
  • that your achievements and contribution to the school are substantial and sustained. 

Teachers’ standards:

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Key Stage Leads (English / Maths)

The Maths or English Leader will take lead responsibility for providing leadership and management for the development of mathematics across a key stage.  This includes monitoring and ensuring: 

  • High-quality teaching of KS mathematics / English
  • Effective use of resources in KS mathematics / English
  • Improved standards of learning and achievement for all across KS mathematics / English

The KS Leader  will also have a full-time class responsibility with allocated time to support teachers across the key stage. 


Skills, knowledge and experience:

  • Qualified Teacher status. 
  • Degree or equivalent. 
  • A consistently Good / Outstanding classroom practitioner at all times. 
  • A clear understanding of the essential qualities necessary for effective teaching and learning in mathematics. 
  • The principles of effective assessment for learning. 
  • Knows and understands how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements 
  • Up to date knowledge & understanding of the current national mathematics agenda. 
  • Uses ideas from research, other schools, literature, courses etc to extend & enrich learning. 

Teachers’ standards:

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Foundation Subject Lead

A subject leader is a person who is tasked with leading improvement and offering guidance to other teachers on one subject within a school.

They are in charge of making key decisions relating to their subject, whether it is maths, English, art, history or drama. 

A teacher may be promoted to subject leader because you have a passion for that subject, a wealth of experience in that curriculum area or higher qualifications in that subject.


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Research Lead

This role is for classroom teachers who have been teaching for 5 or more years who strive to continually improve their classroom practice and the outcomes of their students through the best use of research evidence.

Research leads have the following roles:

  • To foster a research culture throughout the trust and remain up-to-date with the best research evidence related to teaching and learning;
  • To identify the strengths and limitations of different techniques and provide simple starting points for critical engagement with research;
  • To encourage and support colleagues with inquiry projects by providing a framework for conducting them.
  • To exemplify and share how to bridge the gap between research and classroom practice.

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Evidence Lead In Education

This role is for expert practitioners who have experience of successfully leading a team using an evidence informed approach.

ELEs provide support for both their own school, and schools beyond their own. Typically, this is based around a general understanding of evidence and evidence-informed school improvement, with specific areas of deep specialist knowledge. They do this through: 

  • Communicating with schools about evidence in a particular area, to an audience from teachers, middle leaders to senior leaders.  
  • Delivery of specific training (around subject or topic) 
  • Providing follow-on support to enable schools to structure and plan change in particular areas 

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HISP Research School Leadership

This role is for leaders who have experience of providing school to school support as an ELE. Research School Leads communicate with system leaders (Teaching School Hubs, Local Authorities, Headteacher networks) to develop school improvement partnerships across the region, and to then coordinate, monitor and evaluate the partnership programme delivery.

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MAT Subject Leads

A MAT subject leader's role is to analyse and build the appropriate provision in their subject, then cultivate the staff's pedagogical content knowledge to maximise learning across the trust. This process – Analyse, Build and Cultivate – is the ABC of subject leadership.


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The SENCO, under the direction of the headteacher, will:

  • Determine the strategic development of special educational needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school
  • Be responsible for day-to-day operation of the SEN policy and co-ordination of specific provision to support individual pupils with SEN or a disability
  • Provide professional guidance to colleagues, working closely with staff, parents and other agencies
  • The SENCO will also be expected to fulfil the professional responsibilities of a teacher, as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.

Skills and knowledge:

  • Sound knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice
  • Understanding of what makes ‘quality first’ teaching, and of effective intervention strategies
  • Ability to plan and evaluate interventions
  • Data analysis skills, and the ability to use data to inform provision planning
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to build effective working relationships
  • Ability to influence and negotiate
  • Good record-keeping skills

Personal qualities:

  • Commitment to getting the best outcomes for pupils and promoting the ethos and values of the school
  • Commitment to equal opportunities and securing good outcomes for pupils with SEN or a disability
  • Ability to work under pressure and prioritise effectively
  • Commitment to maintaining confidentiality at all times
  • Commitment to safeguarding and equality

SEND code of practice:

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Year Leads / Phase Leaders

A phase Leader is a member of staff who is responsible for leading a specific phase at school.  Their role is to enthuse, lead, develop and enhance the teaching practices of others across the phase, through mentoring, coaching, evaluating, supporting, guiding and target setting. To be accountable for the strategic leadership and management of a phase, within the context of the school's aims and policies.


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Assistant Head of School

The assistant head of school will support the headteacher and deputy headteacher in:

  • Communicating the school’s vision compellingly and supporting the headteacher’s strategic leadership
  • The day-to-day management of the school
  • Formulating the aims and objectives of the school
  • Establishing policies for achieving these aims and objectives
  • Managing staff and resources to that end
  • Monitoring progress towards the achievement of the school’s aims and objectives


The assistant head of school will:

  • Uphold public trust in school leadership and maintain high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct
  • Build positive and respectful relationships across the school community
  • Serve in the best interests of the school’s pupils

Teachers’ standards:

Headteachers’ standards:

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Deputy Head of School

The deputy head of school, under the direction of the head of school, will take a major role in:

  • Formulating the aims and objectives of the school
  • Establishing policies for achieving these aims and objectives
  • Managing staff and resources to that end
  • Monitoring progress towards the achievement of the school’s aims and objectives


The deputy head of school will:

  • Uphold public trust in school leadership and maintain high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct
  • Build positive and respectful relationships across the school community
  • Serve in the best interests of the school’s pupils

Teachers’ standards:  

Headteachers’ standards:

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Head of School

The headteacher will:

  • Establish and sustain the school’s ethos and strategic direction together with the governing board and through consultation with the school community
  • Establish and oversee systems, processes and policies so the school can operate effectively
  • Identify problems and barriers to school effectiveness, and develop strategies for school improvement that are realistic, timely and suited to the school’s context
  • Make sure these school improvement strategies are effectively implemented
  • Monitor progress towards achieving the school’s aims and objectives
  • Allocate financial resources appropriately, efficiently and effectively


The headteacher will:

  • Uphold public trust in school leadership and maintain high standards of ethics, behaviour and professional conduct
  • Build positive and respectful relationships across the school community
  • Serve in the best interests of the school’s pupils

Teachers’ standards:    

Headteachers’ standards:

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Executive Headteacher

The position role of an executive head teacher usually comes in one of three forms:

  • The appointed executive head is responsible for the management of more than one school. They remain the head teacher of their current school, but also become the strategic leader of one or more other schools.
  • The executive head has no substantive headship in any school but remains the strategic leader of a chain, federation or collaboration of schools.
  • The executive head teacher is above the head teachers appointed to manage each individual school within the consortium.

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Director of Education

As a key member of the Trust’s senior leadership team the Director of Education will have overall responsibility for developing and implementing our strategic educational vision for the schools across the Trust.  The Director of Education will work jointly to deliver the education vision and school improvement strategy for the Trust for all phases ensuring the organisation reflects the lived values and ethos set by the Board of Trustees and delivery of the strategic goals of the Trust.


  • Strategic Leadership, Governance, partnerships and accountability
  • People leadership and development
  • School Improvement

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MAT Phase Leads

The Phase Leader will have responsibilities in the areas of leadership, curriculum development, monitoring achievement and progress within the phase, liaison with parents and pastoral duties. 

Skills, knowledge and experience:

  • Qualified Teacher status. 
  • Degree or equivalent. 
  • Recent experience of middle leadership or leading a whole school initiative. 
  • A consistently Good / Outstanding classroom practitioner at all times. 
  • Proven high expectations of children’s attainment and progress.  
  • Experience of effectively leading a whole school initiative and having whole school impact. 
  • Good interpersonal skills. 
  • Good people management skills. 
  • Good level of ICT literacy. 
  • Understanding of effective teaching strategies and teaching styles. 

Teachers’ standards:

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