A teacher is responsible for preparing lesson plans and educating students at all levels. Their duties include assigning homework, grading tests, and documenting progress. Teachers must be able to instruct in a variety of subjects and reach students with engaging lesson plans.
Complete your ITT with the Hampshire SCITT Partnership. This is a one year programme designed to enable you to meet the Teachers’ Standards as well as gain an academic award, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education. Our partner schools are 11-16 and our trainees are assessed as meeting the Teachers’ Standards in that age range. The training programme combines school experience with Professional Studies and Subject Knowledge Development. The combination of school experience and academic study enables you to link theory with practice, helping you to develop as a reflective practitioner. You will receive a minimum of 60 training days during your training year.
To support pupil wellbeing within the school, addressing the mental and physical needs of pupils to overcome barriers
to learning.
Key duties:
1. Provide support and advice to pupils to promote their social care and personal development
2. Assist in resolving relationship issues between pupils
3. Maintain links with families / carers of pupils in need of additional support.
4. Oversee support packages for pupils to reintegrate them into school following periods of exclusion / absence
5. Organise the supervision of pupils excluded from or not otherwise working to a normal timetable
6. Facilitate the sharing of information between the school and external agencies and act as the point of contact for specialist support services
7. Be responsible for the development and monitoring of individual action plans
8. Line manage other pupil support staff
9. Support the delivery of PSHE lessons
Individuals in this role may also:
1. Manage finances within a budget and arrange funding for activities and events.
Managing and organising cover for absent staff both teaching and non-teaching.
Key duties:
1. Manage the staff cover system to ensure continuity in teaching and learning.
2. Keep records on covers completed by individual staff to ensure that regulations are adhered to.
3. Liaise with supply and recruitment agencies in engaging appropriately qualified supply staff to cover absences and temporary vacancies.
4. Organise the appropriate deployment of teachers, supply staff and cover supervisors to cover absences and emergencies.
5. Provide staff with cover details at the start of the day and when emergencies occur.
6. act as the main point of contact for any problems that may occur in relation to cover.
7. Organise and provide cover work and materials including registers and resources.
8. Provide a daily cover sheet, updated as required, to relevant areas and members of staff.
9. Monitor the effectiveness of supply staff as per school policies and procedures, informing her/his line manager of any concerns.
To collaborate with teachers in planning and delivering programmes of teaching and learning activities for classes. The primary focus is to undertake educational activities with individuals, groups and whole classes within a framework agreed with and under the overall direction and supervision of a qualified teacher.
Key duties:
1. Plan, prepare and deliver assigned programmes of teaching and learning activities to individuals, small groups and/or classes modifying and adapting activities as necessary10 under the overall direction and supervision of a teacher.
2. Assess, record and report on development, progress and attainment
3. Liaise with staff and other relevant professionals and provide information about pupils as appropriate
4. Use teaching and learning objectives to plan, evaluate and adjust lessons/work plans as appropriate within agreed systems of supervision
5. Assess the needs of pupils and use detailed knowledge and specialist skills to support pupils’ learning
6. Support pupils in social and emotional well-being, reporting problems to the teacher as appropriate
7. Develop and implement Individual Development Plans for pupils (such as Individual Educational Plans), including attendance at, and contribution to, reviews
8. Support the role of parents / carers in pupils’ learning and contribute to meetings with parents / carers to provide constructive feedback on pupil progress/achievement etc
9. Liaise with external agencies on a regular basis
10. Teaching Assistants at this level are expected to undertake at least one of the following:
a. Provide specialist support to pupils with learning, behavioural, communication, social, sensory or physical difficulties
b. Provide specialist support to pupils where English is not their first language
c. Provide specialist support to gifted and talented pupils
d. Provide specialist support to all pupils in a particular learning area (e.g. ICT, literacy, numeracy, National Curriculum subject).
Note: The options in point 7 are alternative specialisms and only the specialism actually applicable should be evaluated.
Teaching Assistants in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Develop and implement Individual Development Plans for pupils (such as Individual Educational Plans), including attendance at, and contribution to, reviews
2. Support the role of parents / carers in pupils’ learning and contribute to meetings with parents / carers to provide constructive feedback on pupil progress/achievement etc
3. Contribute to the development of policies and procedures
4. Provide short- term cover supervision of classes
5. Supervise or manage the work and development of other classroom support staff
6. Be responsible for the preparation, maintenance and control of stocks of materials and resources
7. Liaise with external agencies on a regular basis
8. Provide pastoral care to pupils for example as head of year or tutor group
9. Be responsible for pupils who are not working to the normal timetable
10. Assist pupils with eating, dressing and hygiene, as required, whilst encouraging independence
11. Invigilate exams and tests
12. Be responsible for the presentation of display
To supervise whole classes undertaking pre-prepared activities provided by a teacher during the short-term absence of a classroom teacher. The primary focus is to maintain order and to keep pupils on task.
Key duties:
1. Supervise pre-prepared activities and self directed learning in the short-term planned / unplanned absence of teachers to provide continuity of learning for pupils
2. Prepare the classroom/outside areas for lessons, ensuring that resources are available and cleared away at the end of the lessons as appropriate
3. Manage the behaviour of pupils whilst they are undertaking work
4. Collect any completed work after the lesson and return it to the appropriate teacher
5. Report back as appropriate using agreed referral procedures on the behaviour of pupils during the class, and any issues arising.
To provide support for pupils with special educational needs. The LSA will ensure that the pupils can integrate as fully as possible in the activities generally undertaken by the other children in the class and make progress.
Key duties:
1. To provide learning support for pupils in class or in 1:1 situations.
2. To develop knowledge of the particular needs of the children and seek advice from the SENCo, class teacher and outside agencies as required.
3. To aid access to the full range of learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom and provide modified materials as required e.g. worksheets, games, visual prompt cards etc.
4. To make or modify resources as suggested and advised by the SENCo, Educational Psychologist or other outside agencies.
5. To organise and maintain an inclusive learning environment across the whole school environment.
6. Provide positive reinforcements, praise and rewards to pupils.
7. Facilitate inclusion in small group activities with peers and support interaction between them.
8. To attend in service training and relevant meetings relevant to the post in order to keep up to date with developments in working with children with special educational needs.
To work as part of a team monitoring pupil behaviour during the midday break.
Key duties:
1. Supervise activities and maintain the health, safety, welfare, good conduct and safeguarding of pupils during the midday break, having regard to special or additional needs.
2. Report incidents in line with school policy.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Assist in the supervision of other activities during the midday break, including setting out and storing equipment
2. Operate tills and take money / vouchers as meal payment
3. Encourage pupils to select and eat healthy balanced meals
4. Clean up spillages of food or liquid during meal service
5. Wipe down tables and clean dining areas between meals
6. Undertake similar work at other times, such as before and after school.
To contribute to the delivery of an effective ICT support service throughout the school to respond to identified need, ensure continuity of service and achieve planned reporting objectives and deadlines.
Key duties:
1. Contribute to the effective performance and service provision of ICT services to minimise disruption
2. Participate in the collection, collation, processing and storage of data and information to comply with school reporting requirements
3. Implement routine manual and computerised systems, practices and procedures to ensure that data and information is current, relevant, effectively and securely collected and that reporting complies with planned outcomes and obligations, reporting any concerns as required
4. Maintain the integrity and security of all systems by use of appropriate user protocols and undertake related monitoring and reporting
5. Provide user support to identify and respond promptly to routine system or process issues that arise within an agreed framework of performance criteria
6. Support contingency arrangements to respond to any unforeseen or unplanned circumstances that may arise to maintain the safety and security of data and information, maintain security and minimise disruption.
To support the use of ICT within the school environment through maintenance of ICT software, hardware and related equipment, and providing support to staff and pupils to ensure administration and learning outcomes are maximised.
Key duties:
1. Be responsible for the installation and maintenance of computer hardware and software
2. Maintain a comprehensive database of all support requests and allocate jobs to appropriate staff
3. Ensure dedicated ICT areas are ready for use each day and that they are in good working order at the end of each day
4. Check hardware regularly, repairing simple faults or reporting more complicated faults to a specialist technician / audio-visual service / contractor as appropriate
5. Support teaching staff / pupils in technical aspects of ICT
6. Maintain computer files by backing up / archiving and updating/deleting information as appropriate
7. Maintain and develop network
8. Support adherence to ICT policies, including those relating to safeguarding and internet usage and report any concerns
9. Resolve hardware / software technical issues.
10. Provides basic ICT training
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Carry out desk-top publishing procedures
2. Provide bespoke ICT training for staff and pupils
3. Check and maintain stocks of ICT equipment
4. Supervise ICT support staff
Overall responsibility for ICT network. Develops and implements the school’s ICT strategy and service provision including managing all aspects of ICT technical support in the school.
Key duties:
1. Responsible for ICT network of the school
2. Develop school policies and procedures for the use of ICT within the school environment
3. Maintain a comprehensive database of all support requests
4. Manage the work of staff providing technical support to staff and pupils allocating jobs
5. Identify school staff training issues and deliver appropriate training
6. Create and manage all network user accounts, ensuring correct access rights and audit as required
7. Ensure data stored on the system is current and out of date data archived
8. Design and implement changes to the schools ICT software and hardware and liaise with consultants on the specifications of new software / hardware as appropriate
9. Procure ICT equipment on behalf of the school
10. Carry out audits of student and staff internet usage, add filters where necessary and report as appropriate in line with school policy.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Advise teaching staff on the likely compatibility of new software / hardware, install software / hardware as requested by teaching staff, and maintain a record of all installations carried out
2. Manage the ICT Network for a cluster of schools.
3. Manages ICT budget.
Reporting to the Senior Subject Based Technician in the preparation and maintenance of teaching areas and equipment for pupils.
Key duties:
1. Take a role in contributing to the planning, development and/organisation of equipment, systems, policies and procedures for the specialist technical area
2. Advise teaching staff on technical support to meet curriculum requirements
3. Assist the teacher in producing lesson and work plans, deliver technical learning activities and monitor pupils’ work under the overall supervision of a teacher
4. Assess pupils work in relation to using equipment / conducting experiments and provide feedback to classroom teachers
5. Ensure adherence to health and safety regulations in relation to equipment and materials used by staff and pupils
6. Support and develop other technical support staff, ensuring they have the required skills to provide technical support for teachers
7. Develop and implement plans to safely and securely store allocated resources / materials / equipment
8. Update records, including production of reports and analysis of information.
9. Ensure the safe treatment and disposal of used materials, including hazardous substances and respond to actual or potential hazards.
To work with teachers to manage the provision of technical support for learning activities, working with pupils in the delivery / demonstration of practical learning activities and the preparation and maintenance of teaching areas and equipment for pupils.
Key duties:
1. Take a lead role in contributing to the planning, development and/organisation of equipment, systems, policies and procedures for the specialist technical area
2. Advise teaching staff on technical support to meet curriculum requirements
3. Assist the teacher in producing lesson and work plans, deliver technical learning activities and monitor pupils’ work under the overall supervision of a teacher
4. Assess pupils work in relation to using equipment / conducting experiments and provide feedback to classroom teachers
5. Ensure adherence to health and safety regulations in relation to equipment and materials used by staff and pupils
6. Manage, support and develop other technical support staff, ensuring they have the required skills to provide technical support for teachers
7. Develop and implement plans to safely and securely store allocated resources / materials / equipment
8. Update records, including production of reports and analysis of information.
9. Ensure the safe treatment and disposal of used materials, including hazardous substances and respond to actual or potential hazards.
10. Manage the budget for the purchase of technical materials and equipment and undertake regular audits of resources
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Management of technical support staff across a range of technical areas.
2. Under the direction of a teacher, takes responsibility for providing learning activities for groups and/or whole classes of pupils, including planning and adjusting lessons and other activities.
To undertake cleaning duties to maintain a high standard of cleanliness within the school, as directed.
Key duties:
1. Undertake cleaning of allocated areas in line with specified standards and as directed
2. Operate / use domestic and industrial cleaning equipment and materials, following appropriate training
3. Store allocated equipment and materials safely and securely
4. Perform duties in line with health and safety regulations (COSHH) and take action where hazards are identified, report serious hazards to line manager immediately
5. Collect and dispose of waste
6. Refill and replace soap, towels and other materials
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Undertake specialised cleaning programmes during school closures or other designated periods.
To be responsible for the maintenance and security of the school premises and site, ensuring a safe environment.
Key duties:
1. Ensure that buildings and the site are secure, including during out of school hours and take remedial action if required
2. Act as the designated key holder for the school premises
3. Operate and regularly check systems such as heating, cooling, lighting and security (including CCTV and alarms)
4. Undertake minor repairs (i.e. not requiring qualified craftsperson) and maintenance of the buildings and site
5. Arrange emergency repairs
6. Arrange regular maintenance and safety checks
7. Oversee onsite maintenance contractors, checking that work is completed to required standards and within required timescales
8. Monitor stock and order supplies
9. Undertake general portage duties, including moving furniture and equipment within the school
10. Perform duties in line with health and safety and COSHH regulations and take action where hazards are identified, report serious hazards to line manager immediately
11. Undertake regular health and safety checks of buildings, grounds, fixtures and fittings, (including compliance with fire safety regulations) and equipment, in line with other schedules.
12. Monitor the work of and manage cleaning and other site staff.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Ensure the operation and maintenance of specialised equipment following training, for example sports/theatrical equipment
2. Facilitate lettings and carry out associated tasks, in line with local agreements
3. Handle small amounts of cash for the purchase of materials to carry out repairs.
To be responsible for the security, maintenance and cleaning of the school.
Key duties:
1. Ensure that buildings and the site are secure, including during out of school hours and taking remedial action if required
2. Act as a designated key holder, providing out of hours and emergency access to the school site
3. Procure quotes for routine maintenance work on school premises
4. Contribute to the management of the premises budget
5. Be responsible for other site staff including cleaning staff and grounds persons
6. Operate and regularly check systems such as heating, cooling, lighting and security (including CCTV and alarms)
7. Undertake minor repairs (i.e. not requiring qualified craftsperson) and maintenance of the buildings and site
8. Arrange emergency repairs
9. Arrange regular maintenance and safety checks
10. Oversee onsite maintenance contractors, checking that work is completed to required standards and within required timescales
11. Monitor materials and stock and/order supplies
12. Undertake general portage duties, including moving furniture and equipment within the school
13. Perform duties in line with health and safety regulations (COSHH) and take action where hazards are identified, report serious hazards to line manager immediately
14. Undertake regular health and safety checks of buildings, grounds, fixtures and fittings, (including compliance with fire safety regulations) and equipment, in line with other schedules.
15. Handle small amounts of cash for the purchase of materials to carry out repairs.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Ensure the operation and maintenance of specialised equipment following training, for example swimming pools and sports/theatrical equipment
2. Provide training on health and safety issues to other premises staff
3. Facilitate lettings and carry out associated tasks, in line with local agreements
Responsible for the security of the premises and related health and safety, maintenance and cleaning within the Trust.
Key duties:
1. Be responsible for ensuring the security of school buildings and site
2. Act as a designated key holder, providing out of hours and emergency access to the school site
3. Arrange for general maintenance within specialist areas such as heating, lighting and plumbing to ensure safe and effective operation
4. Responsible for regular health and safety checks of buildings, grounds, fixtures and fittings, (including compliance with fire safety regulations) and equipment
5. Responsible for regular maintenance checks and follow-up actions
6. Provide advice on the annual long term maintenance requirements to support a cost effective maintenance programme
7. Responsible for contractors whilst on site and ensure work is completed to the required standard
8. Purchase premises related equipment and supplies within agreed budget
9. Responsible for the regular checking and operation of systems such as heating, cooling, lighting and security (including CCTV and alarms)
10. Arrange tenders and quotes and manage the appointment of external contractors
11. Supervise other premises staff.
12. Undertake risk assessments, ensure compliance within the school with all health and safety COSHH regulations
13. Liaise with other school staff/departments on premises issues.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Provide training on health and safety issues to other staff.
A broad role encompassing theatre technician duties such as lighting and sound, stage management and managing and editing music and video footage for performances across artistic and academic.
Key duties:
1. Set up and stage manage performance / event spaces
2. Set up and operate lighting, sound and multimedia equipment
3. Provide technical and creative support to all users of the schools theatre and performance spaces
4. Assist during production weeks to ensure rehearsals and production meetings run smoothly
5. Assist staff and students with sound recording, filming, editing and production of performances for GCSE assessments
6. Assist choreographic staff and students with work for School competitions as above
7. Provide first-line maintenance support for all relevant technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fittings
8. Ensure all equipment is stored safely and is accessible to others when absent
9. Maintain an inventory of all equipment and materials held and used
10. Liaise with IT staff over software requirements and system support
11. Ensure all health and safety requirements are met for the use of the performances spaces and produce risk assessments for all theatre / event space activities
12. Attend training as required and maintain awareness of health and safety regulations specific to the spaces and equipment used
13. Organise annual safety checks of all technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fitting
A broad role encompassing theatre technician duties such as lighting and sound, stage management and managing and editing music and video footage for performances across artistic and academic.
Key duties:
1. Set up and stage-manage performance / event spaces
2. Set up and operate lighting, sound and multimedia equipment
3. Provide technical and creative support to all users of the schools theatre and performance spaces
4. Assist during production weeks to ensure rehearsals and production meetings run smoothly
5. Assist staff and students with sound recording, filming, editing and production of performances for GCSE assessments
6. Assist choreographic staff and students with work for School competitions as above
7. Provide first-line maintenance support for all relevant technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fittings
8. Ensure all equipment is stored safely and is accessible to others when absent
9. Maintain an inventory of all equipment and materials held and used
10. Liaise with IT staff over software requirements and system support
11. Ensure all health and safety requirements are met for the use of the performances spaces and produce risk assessments for all theatre / event space activities
12. Attend training as required and maintain awareness of health and safety regulations specific to the spaces and equipment used
13. Organise annual safety checks of all technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fitting
To provide general clerical or administrative support to the school under the direction or instruction of senior staff. Duties are not limited to the items mentioned below.
Key duties:
1. Providing general administrative assistance
2. Maintaining records, spreadsheets and other databases
3. Event management including (but not limited to) coordinating bookings, room set-up, meet & greet visitors
4. Drafting documents and correspondence
5. Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports
6. Dealing with adhoc information requests
To provide general clerical or administrative support to the school under the direction or instruction of senior staff. Duties are not limited to the items metioned below.
Key duties:
1. Providing general administrative assistance
2. Maintaining records, spreadsheets and other databases
3. Event management including (but not limited to) coordinating bookings, room set-up, meet & greet visitors
4. Drafting documents and correspondence
5. Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports
6. Dealing with adhoc information requests
A diverse role that oversees the smooth operational running of the theatre. Tasks can range from coordinating the programme calendar and attracting donations to increasing the theatre's visibility in the community and managing its budget.
Key duties:
1. Develop, implement and review the theatre's overall business plan
2. Plan and book a theatre programme by considering audience appeal, balance of different production types, success of productions and new work by reputable companies
3. Monitor and evaluate the delivery of the theatre programme to ensure it meets the needs of the overall business plan
4. Manage the budget and ensure you meet the financial and operational targets of the theatre
5. Lead a team of theatre staff, who may be involved in areas such as marketing, finance and administration
6. Oversee training and development needs of staff
7. Liaise closely with the Trusts executive team
8. Ensure that the theatre meets the requirements of legislation such as health and safety and licensing laws (theatre managers may act as licensees) and safeguarding children arrangements
9. Attend marketing meetings and undertake marketing activities for upcoming productions and to enhance the theatre's visibility and image
10. Plan resources effectively and provide strong leadership to develop the theatre's role in providing a cultural hub
11. Negotiate with any charities and funding bodies providing financial backing and look to secure future donations as well as corporate and individual sponsorships or funding
12. Develop partnership working and links with local industry and communities, educational organisations, relevant bodies and the public and encourage engagement in artistic activities
13. Keep in touch with other theatre managers and producers in order to stay up to date with developments and new productions.
To provide general finance administrative support to facilitate the efficient and effective use of the school’s budget.
Key duties:
1. Place and process orders and invoices
2. Check incoming stock deliveries and arrange for distribution and storage
3. Arrange payment of invoices for stocks, including checking supplier statements
4. Maintain records of free school meals and undertake related financial administration, such as catering returns
5. Responsible for petty cash and banking of cash
6. Enter income and expenditure on the finance system.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Receive and record monies from pupils and parents / carers relating for example to school visits, uniform sales and photographs
2. Undertake other administrative support duties, such as reception duties
3. Collate VAT returns and payments.
To undertake specific finance support responsibilities to ensure the efficient and effective use of the school’s budget.
Key duties:
1. Undertake a range of financial procedures, including placing orders, invoicing, preparation of cheques, banking cash, issuing receipts and dealing with supplier issues
2. Monitor monthly budgets and highlights/flags senior staff on variances
3. Produce a range of financial information financial and data for the senior leadership team
4. Receive and record monies from pupils and parents / carers
5. Undertake reconciliations, for example of bank accounts and petty cash and of the purchase ledger control account.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Undertake other support duties such as reception, dealing with correspondence, filing and word processing
2. Process travel and subsistence claims
3. Assist with school lettings
To provide a full range of finance administrative support to the school
Key duties:
1. Assist with the design and implementation of the school’s financial procedures and systems
2. Assist with the preparation/prepare the draft annual budget and financial plans
3. Maintain the school’s accounting systems
4. Undertake detailed monitoring of monthly expenditure, advising on the reason for an implication of variances and any recommendations
5. Produce financial analysis and reports, including liaising and reporting to the Local Authority
6. Manage petty cash and ensure appropriate use of the school’s bank accounts
7. Process orders and approve payments ensuring correct financial control is applied
8. Reconcile accounts
9. Responsible for adherence to financial regulations and audit requirements and advising on the application of these.
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Undertake day-to-day supervision of more junior finance staff
2. Undertake administrative duties, such as reception, filing, and document preparation.
Responsible for the planning, development, and delivery of support function within Trust; member of the senior management team.
Key duties:
1. Responsible for the development, management, operation and delivery of support services within the Trust.
2. Responsible for the financial planning, forecasting and expenditure of a large school support staff budget.
3. Responsible for the creation and implementation of recruitment, induction, performance management, training and mentoring systems for all support staff.
4. Leads on the development of school policies and supporting procedures and practices setting up a framework to ensure the smooth operation and timely delivery of all school support functions, in consultation with the operational needs of the school.
5. Responsible for the content and submission of relevant information to the senior management team, the governing body and outside agencies.
6. Manage procurement and be responsible for securing relevant sponsoring and partnership arrangements adding value and financial benefits to the school.
7. Identify the need and be responsible for securing appropriate licences and insurance.
8. Lead the development of health and safety plans within the school.
9. Responsible for the management of facilities, including use of major building premises and associated income.
10. Assist with the development of policies and procedures relating to child protection, health and safety, security, confidentiality and data protection
To work closely with the HR Manager to deliver a high level of support
Key duties:
1. To prepare contractual variation letters for signature by the Head of School.
2. Prepare personnel starter forms.
3. To process the monthly pay claims.
4. To apply for references for interviewees.
5. To organise the DBS checks for new staff and volunteers, including SCITT trainees and host families.
6. To maintain the Single Central Record with the Business Manager.
7. To carry out termly checks on the Single Central Record under the direction of the Business Manager.
8. To send out pension related auto enrolment letters to staff on a monthly basis.
9. To organise the Interview Schedule, including setting appropriate tasks for ratification by the Business Manager.
10. To amend staff personal details onto SIMS.
The HR Manager exists to support the whole Trust through the effective management and delivery of the Human Resources function to the CEO, Head of School, the Senior Leadership Teams (SLT) and to all staff.
Key duties:
1. Support the Trust executive team in developing an HR strategic plan with mid and long term objectives.
2. Deliver our HR strategy by designing tasks and projects, which focus on retention and development of our workforce.
3. Embed HR best practice through policies, procedures and coaching/training initiatives.
4. Proactively support management of Employee Relations cases ranging from Discipline, Grievance, Capability/Performance to Absence Management:
5. Oversee end to end recruitment, onboarding and induction processes in conjunction with SLT; produce offer letters, contracts and letters detailing changes in employment conditions.
6. Ensure suitable processes in place to enhance performance of our staff, such as equality and diversity, talent management and health and wellbeing and promotion of staff incentive schemes.
7. Oversee HR administration and records, including Disclosure checks and right to work documentation.
8. Act as the first point of contact with our outsourced payroll provider to coordinate accurate and timely monthly payroll.
9. Support the Estates and Facilities Trust Manager on any Health and Safety matters, ensuring we are compliant with relevant H&S legislation.
10. Complete leavers’ processes such as exit interviews.
11. HR reporting including management information, as required.
12. To keep up to date with developments in employment legislation and human resource best practice.
13. To abide by the Codes of Practice set by The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
To provide general clerical or administrative support to the school under the direction or instruction of senior staff. Duties are not limited to the items metioned below.
Key duties:
1. Providing general administrative assistance
2. Maintaining records, spreadsheets and other databases
3. Event management including (but not limited to) coordinating bookings, room set-up, meet & greet visitors
4. Drafting documents and correspondence
5. Assist in the preparation of regularly scheduled reports
6. Dealing with adhoc information requests
The School Nurse Assistant is responsible for assisting the School Nurse providing the medical care of pupils.
Key duties:
1. To ensure the best possible medical care is available to pupils on an immediate or an emergency care basis
2. To communicate as appropriate with parents and those who have care of pupils
3. To assist pupils to manage long term conditions e.g. diabetes, asthma, eczema
4. To administer medication as required
5. To ensure First Aid resources are audited and replenished as necessary
6. To ensure the safe storage, usage and disposal of medical supplies and drugs
7. To ensure comprehensive notes and records are made in relation to incidents/accidents, and reported to relevant staff as necessary within the appropriate confines of confidentiality
8. To create and/or implement existing care plans for pupils with specific health care needs and to support and monitor non-qualified staff in the safe and effective delivery thereof
9. To deliver INSET to staff as and when necessary
The School Nurse is responsible for the medical care of pupils.
Key duties:
1. To ensure the best possible medical care is available to pupils on an immediate or an emergency care basis
2. To communicate as appropriate with parents and those who have care of pupils
3. To assist pupils to manage long term conditions e.g. diabetes, asthma, eczema
4. To administer medication as required
5. To ensure First Aid resources are audited and replenished as necessary
6. To ensure the safe storage, usage and disposal of medical supplies and drugs
7. To ensure comprehensive notes and records are made in relation to incidents/accidents, and reported to relevant staff as necessary within the appropriate confines of confidentiality
8. To create and/or implement existing care plans for pupils with specific health care needs and to support and monitor non-qualified staff in the safe and effective delivery thereof
9. To deliver INSET to staff as and when necessary
Receptionists are responsible for greeting visitors and delivering exceptional customer service assistance.
Key duties:
1. Greet visitors, parents and students
2. Facilitate communication within the school
3. Maintain a variety of records
4. Assist with purchase requisitions
To be responsible for the efficient running of the community booking administration
Key duties:
1. To take responsibility for all administration concerned with Community, sports and Adult Education bookings
2. To be responsible for communication with outside hirers
3. To ensure that all hirers comply with the requirements of child protection and insurance regulations
4. To be the central point for teaching staff making bookings of rooms and facilities outside lesson times
5. To liaise with Eastleigh College (regarding Adult Education classes) and with Thornden Tennis Club
6. To act as a back-up to the Community Arts Coordinator with regard to Arts bookings and Thornden Hall
To provide administrative and organisational services to the school under the management and guidance of senior
Key duties:
1. Provide administrative, and organisational services to the school
2. Liaise with pupils, parents/carers
3. Liaise with other staff and external agencies
4. Analyse and evaluate data and information and run reports
5. Undertake word-processing and IT based tasks including operation of relevant equipment and advanced ICT packages
6. Organise meetings and take notes
7. Process forms, returns, etc., including those to outside agencies
8. Contribute to the planning and development of administrative procedures and systems.
9. Allocate work to administrative staff at lower levels on a regular basis.
10. Demonstration of tasks to more junior colleagues on a regular basis
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Respond to reception and visitor enquiries
2. Organise arrangements for school visits and events
3. Assist with producing marketing and promotion material for the school
To be responsible for all matters relating to School Admissions, Transfers and Access under the supervision of the Senior Leadership Team
Key duties:
1. To determine applications for admission to Trust schools in accordance with the policies and DfE guidance.
2. To have responsibility for liaising with Heads of School and parents
3. To prepare information required for the Admissions Appeals process
4. To assist with the administration of applications for mid-term transfers into and between schools within the academic year.
5. Manage the Council’s Online Admissions system via an IT portal.
6. To assist in the development of policies regarding admissions
7. To assist in the transitions
Responsible for managing the Trust's marketing initiatives. Uses market research and analysis to direct marketing strategy and planning. Oversees the production of all promotional materials and marketing campaigns.
Key duties:
1. Establishes marketing goals
2. Works with staff to develop detailed marketing plans for all media channels
3. Approves and oversees the creative development of promotional materials, website content, advertisements, and other marketing-related projects
4. Define and own brand identity standards
5. Design and produce all marketing assets including sales tools, brochures, flyers, data sheets, videos, website, and social media content
6. Create and manage asset libraries
7. Create lean processes for Marketing Asset reproduction
8. Video production skills
9. Graphics design and video product software skills
Oversee effective communications and provide professional business and administrative support, focussed on the new core activities of the Hub, but within an established, successful and growing education Trust.
Key duties:
1. Managing data and providing accurate recording of key information
2. Producing reports and compiling data for the Hubs, Department for Education and Lead providers
3. Preparing weekly communications
4. Coordinating detailed and accurate records of Teaching School Hub programme participants using Excel.
5. Diary management of all programmes and courses being delivered
6. Marketing campaign design and communication to support the promotion of the Hubs
7. Maintaining a high level of customer service to programme participants
8. Event co-ordination and management of large scale events
To provide a high-level of support to the Executive Team whilst managing the administrative functions within the MAT
Key duties:
1. Plan, develop, organise and monitor support systems, and procedures
2. Contribute to the development of administration policies
3. Provide support, advice and guidance on administrative issues to senior staff, governing body and others
4. Liaise with other staff, pupils, parents/carers and external agencies
5. Develop and maintain recording and information systems, including personnel staff.
6. Undertake analysis and interpretation of data, and produce detailed reports and complex information
7. Operates bespoke school information management systems
8. Responsible for completion and submission of forms, returns etc., including those to outside agencies
9. Produce, and respond to, correspondence
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Allocate work to administration staff
2. Manage / supervise administrative staff
3. Monitor service contracts, school licences and insurance
4. Contribute to marketing and promotion of the school
Oversee effective communications and provide professional business and administrative support, focussed on the new core activities of the HISP Learning Partnership
Key duties:
1. Liaision with key stakeholders from the HISP Research School, HISP Teaching School Hub, Solent Maths Hub and Hampshire SCITT Partnership
2. Mainting close relations with sub regional leads for the HISP Teaching School hub
3. Managing data and providing accurate recording of key information
4. Producing reports and compiling data for the Hubs, Department for Education and Lead providers
5. Preparing weekly communications
6. Coordinating detailed and accurate records of Teaching School Hub programme participants using Excel.
7. Diary management of all programmes and courses being delivered
8. Marketing campaign design and communication to support the promotion of the Hubs
9. Maintaining a high level of customer service to programme participants
10. Event co-ordination and management of large scale events
A niche role that centres around a specialised theatre technician duty such as lighting and sound, stage management or managing and editing music and video footage for performances across artistic and academic.
Key duties could include:
1. Set up and stage manage performance / event spaces
2. Set up and operate lighting, sound and multimedia equipment
3. Provide technical and creative support to all users of the schools theatre and performance spaces
4. Assist during production weeks to ensure rehearsals and production meetings run smoothly
5. Assist staff and students with sound recording, filming, editing and production of performances for GCSE assessments
6. Assist choreographic staff and students with work for School competitions as above
7. Provide first-line maintenance support for all relevant technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fittings
8. Ensure all equipment is stored safely and is accessible to others when absent
9. Maintain an inventory of all equipment and materials held and used
10. Liaise with IT staff over software requirements and system support
11. Ensure all health and safety requirements are met for the use of the performances spaces and produce risk assessments for all theatre / event space activities
12. Attend training as required and maintain awareness of health and safety regulations specific to the spaces and equipment used
13. Organise annual safety checks of all technical equipment, machines, furniture, fixtures and fitting
To be responsible for the efficient and effective running of the administration of all internal and external examinations within the school, including liaising with staff, pupils, invigilators and examination boards.
Key duties:
1. Responsible for the overall smooth running of internal and external examinations, ensuring that all related administration and preparation is undertaken
2. Liaise with staff/Heads of Department re pupil examination entries
3. Disseminate examination information to staff, pupils and parents / carers, including exam and invigilation timetables, guidelines and querying results
4. Complete examination entries and securely store and send completed examination papers to external examination boards
5. Liaise with examination boards to ensure the accurate administration of all examinations, including ensuring compliance with examination board rules, coursework requirements
6. Organise the school’s external invigilators, including training and ensuring up-to-date information is provided to them
7. Manage arrangements for internal examinations
8. Responsible for the preparation of examinations, including room set up, attendance registers, securely storing and checking papers, providing and checking seating plans and stationery
9. Make arrangements for the specific needs of individuals (e.g. SEN), external entrants who are not school pupils and for school pupils to sit examinations elsewhere
10. Provide data and analysis on examination entries and results.
11. Manage the examinations budget
Individuals in this role may also undertake some or all of the following:
1. Supervise/line manage other staff involved in examinations
2. Undertake examination invigilation
3. Responsible for recovery of monies from candidates or absentees
4. Liaise with FE Colleges
To have overall responsibility for SIMS withing the Trust
Key duties:
1. Oversee the collection of all data relating to students and seeing that this data is used by teachers to set high goals for students and challenging targets for the Academy and individual staff.
2. Manage the school’s pupil performance data collection systems and make this available for all students.
3. Provide pupil data, collated from the systems in place, for analysis by colleagues at half termly intervals as well as maintaining the integrity of pupil class data within the SIMS system.
4. Manage the school’s assessment and reporting system (maintaining the database, uploading classes, distributing results) as well as liaising with a range of outside agencies in order to benefit from a wide range of analysis at pupil, school, L. A. and National level.
5. Assist SLT in reviewing the progress of individual Curriculum areas, departments and teachers by providing the relevant data.
6. Co-ordinate internal progress checks including CATS and key skills; ensuring secure systems are implemented to meet security requirements that there is correct timetable data.
7. Be responsible for preparing the new academic year in SIMS and ensuring all modules within SIMS, such as attendance, are prepared.